I'm going back and adding a few words to this post. I am farther along at this point working on my writing challenges, and I'm finding that they are bringing forth meaningful memories and insights. It is helpful to me and may mean something to those who love me may they read them someday, but just wanted to warn other readers that though they are sometimes lighthearted (I try to keep rumor in all situations), they are at the same time deeply personal. You are welcome to read them, but again it is easy to bypass them by clicking on a link to the right.
Now on with my exercises---
For this first day I am to write about Absolute Beauty. I am supposed to come up with something brand new and not borrow from something I've written before, but I'm going to cheat. When thinking about absolute beauty, I immediately thought of Yosemite and that led me to remember a post I put on Facebook back in June of 2008 after returning from my second trip there. I love the story and I'm madly in love with my God who has created such beauty for us to enjoy. Read on fellow travelers and if you have not yet visited Yosemite National Park I suggest you do so at your earliest opportunity.
I recently returned from my second trip to Yosemite. I was reminded in church today of my experience there and was brought again to tears. Others may not understand and may think I'm a bit crazy, but here's what happened during my trip.....
I made the hike to Vernal Falls when I was there six years ago--well actually to the bridge from where you can view Vernal Falls. Others went on the much steeper and thinner trail to the top of the falls. After seeing Vernal, I made the return trip down from the bridge having had a hard time even making it that far. Michael, Mikey, Megan and I set off on the same journey last Sunday. I was having a really hard time and was having to stop even more often than the last time I went. I was determined however, that I would make it to that bridge since I knew it was probably be the last time in my life I would be able to do it. It was so hard and so painful until toward the end Mikey found a big stick for me to use as a walking stick. I couldn't believe what a difference it made! I don't know why anyone hikes without one! I made it to the bridge. The others were near the restrooms preparing to make the rest of the trip to the top and I wandered over and stood looking at the trail up. Suddenly, without saying anything to anyone, I took off up the trail. I was doing so much better with my stick and I so wanted to get close to those falls! Soon the others caught up with me only to ask me what the heck I thought I was doing. I had decided to see how far I could make it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? My stick and I just kept creeping higher and higher until I was getting close enough to start getting wet. At that point, I was smiling like crazy and even laughing a bit. I thought---I'm going it make it---I can't believe it! And I did---all the way to the point where the trail gets even thinner, even steeper and much more wet. The point where the metal rail begins. We all met up here, basically to check on me I think. I stood there looking at the treacherous trail before me; looking at how wet and thin it was. I wasn't so much worried about getting up as I was getting back down, and I couldn't deny the fact that I was very slow and people would be needing to get around me. I made the painful decision to remain behind. I cried. I mean tears rolling down my face. First Megan and Mikey forged on and then Michael. He didn't want to leave me as he was afraid that once he left me, I would change my mind and try to come up without him there to help me. I promised I'd stay put and insisted he continue on. I stood there next to that rail getting soaking wet until I saw all three of the others waiving at me from the top and I cried the entire time. Then I turned and started slowly and carefully making my way back down. I was still crying when Michael caught up with me on the way down. "I was so close! I really thought I was going to make it" I told him---"I wanted to see God's majesty!" And I did! I am so glad I took the challenge and made it as far as I did. I was right in front of those falls. Looking straight at them and being rained on by that glorious mist! I am at the same time sad, that I didn't make it up there to view the beauty from the top. I wanted to come back down and march into that gift shop, buy me one of those shirts reading "I made it to the top" and wear it proudly. The entire valley lies there a monument to the majesty of my glorious God and I feel so blessed to be able to visit there and view this small glimpse of the glory I will someday see in heaven----oh boy, here I go. I'm crying again.
Thank you so much to my heavenly Father. And Mikey---thanks for the stick.

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