It was amazing! I attend any Bible study or simulcast by her that I possibly can. She never ceases to inspire me and help me pull new insights out of the Bible.
Two things things left an incredible impression on me at the coference.
1/People apparently send Beth emails before the events and she apparently takes time to read them. One woman had written to tell her that she just received a brand new Bible and would there be any opportunity that Beth might sign it for her. Something about the things she said in her message really touched Beth so before she spoke, she called out to find out where the lady was sitting. This was a big arena like Lawlor (Maybe bigger). We were sitting very high up near the top and this lady was sitting a bit higher than we were. Beth came down off of that stage and made her way all the way up there to give the lady a hug and sign her Bible. She gave it back to her and told her "I want you to use this thing up!" It impressed me.
2/There was a break between her morning session and the evening one and just before that break her worship leader Travis came out to lead us in worship. He and the rest of the team are really good and it was some pretty inspiring worship. As I mentioned we were up near the top, and we had a view of the entire arena. I opened my eyes and had a view of literally thousands of women worshiping the Lord together with hands raised. It was so awesome. A little glimpse of heaven.

One other funny thing. I was so overtaken in my worship, that I just couldn't seem to get my hands raised high enough. I think I was reaching for His throne. The gal I had come with was next to me and at one point she looked at me and asked "Do I need to get you a ladder?" I'm here to tell you that had she gotten me one, I think I would have climbed it!
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