Today I am asked...
Is there a period in your own personal life that you think of as the good old days? Tell us a story about those innocent and/or exciting times (or lack thereof).
I would have to choose my last year of high school. I was so done with school that I was a total goof off. I ditched school for the very first time and I ditched A LOT. (My mom is not here to see this confession thank goodness). I was usually accompanied by best friend Carol. She eventually got caught. I did not. What we did most often was head to the beach to work on our tan before summer. We had a lot of fun.
Yes---We looked just like this! |
I only wish I had a bit more knowledge and self confidence as I left high school and headed into my twenties. I'm afraid my that was not a good time for me. I made an awful lot of bad decisions. I wish I would have stayed close to my faith and known that I was worthy of being treated with respect. Who knows what kind of relationship I would have ended up in and what kind of love I would have found. I can't feel too badly though. With a different direction, I wouldn't have the same family or my fantastic grand children.
Everything about the way we played when we were kids was better I think. I grew up in Southern California, so bad weather was not a concern, and we were outdoors with our friends, not inside with a video game. We rode our bikes, played hide and seek, kick the can, and stayed outside until we were called in for dinner. I can even remember going outside and playing with my brothers in the rain. We got soaked to the skin and had a blast. I could go on and on. Our play as kids was totally different back in the day and I think the kids today are the poorer for it.
Sorry guys :(
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