The Chicken Coop

I am a paper crafter. I've been playing with paper, and cutting and pasting for many years now and I still just love it. I teach classes each month and would love to have you.
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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Let Me Tell You A Thing Or Two

My challenge today reads...
Present-day you meets 10-years-ago you for coffee. Share with your younger self the most challenging thing, the most rewarding thing, and the most fun thing they have to look forward to.

First of all, I'd ask her what in the world she is doing drinking coffee! We both hate it!
"Waitress---Two iced teas please!"
Okay, now we can talk. The most challenging thing you will face is coming up in the next few years. You will be living all alone with only your future dog Peek-A-Boo for company and it will be tough on you. You will battle loneliness big time, but don't give up. You do get through it. Although you will not like it, after a while, it gets just a little bit easier. I can't tell you if it ends with a new fellow in your life, cause in my time zone, you are still alone. Never know what God's got around the next corner! Anyway--Hang in there, keep busy and don't rely on the TV too much for company. oooh--I forgot to mention that Megan will get married to Mikey (Of course) and they will have to move away to Las Vegas for a time. It nearly kills you, but learn adn grow from it. They'll be gone for two years, but they do come back. Whew!
The most rewarding thing you have to look forward to are the ways in which God will be using you. You will join a new church (Horrible story that turns out really good). You will find your place in that church and begin to serve. For instance--You will be on the worship team! Don't be frightened. Just get up there and worship the same way you do when your worshiping in your seat. All will be fine and you will come to love it. During the next several years you will also volunteer in a veteran's food bank, a crisis pregnancy center, and you will be in charge of a program at your church to feed lunch to low income children for the summer while they are out of school.
In addition to the challenges and rewards you will also add three grandchildren to your family. First Tracy will have a girl (I know, can you believe it!) named Matilda.Yes--you finally get to be a grandma. It's the best!  She is eight now. Unfortunately you don't see her too often. Then Megan will have a boy. You will wonder how in the world you will relate to a boy, but he will completely steal your heart. His name is Landon and he is now two years old. Then there is eight week old Levi---Another boy for Megan. You will just love watching her be a mom to those boys. She's very hard on herself (No surprise there), but she is a really good mom. You will be so proud! Anyway, at this point, I would have to say that you are going to have the most fun by being around Landon. He is a complete nut and will crack you up on a consistent basis. Just watching him play and run or listening to him chatter will bring you an enormous amount of joy. Any time spent with him turns out to be fun time.

Of everything you have coming your way, being a grandma is going to be something you just love, but the best of everything is your deepening relationship with the Lord. How I wish you and I could go back and have a long chat with nineteen year old us to let her know what's really important so that she could be wiser about some of the foolish and disastrous decisions she will be making. We can't do that though, so we both just have to hold on to what's the best and most important in our lives and plow through the rest. Lean on the Lord. He's FAR more capable of handing your "Stuff" and He wants to carry those burdens.

Hang in there Sweetie! We DO make it through to a better place!

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