This was my challenge today---
If you could slow down an action that usually zooms by, or speed up an
event that normally drags on, which would you choose, and why?

The answer to this one is easy for me. I would slow down our childhood. We have our precious babies, and if we look away for more than a minute, they have grown up and are starting school. Our babies should stay babies for longer. It goes by way too fast. In fact our entire youth goes by way too fast as far as I'm concerned. We get to be young for such a short time compared to how long we are old. If only we understood that when we were young, I don't think we would waste so much of our precious time. As young mothers, I know we would spend a ton more time just adoring our little ones if we only knew how quickly the time would pass.
If I had chosen the other option, I'm not sure what event I would speed
up, but I think I would definitely speed up the time between paydays. I
think we would all have a much easier time if those paychecks came in on
a weekly basis---Don't you agree?
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