Turns out they added the picture because at the University of Minnesota Johnny Campbell directed a crowd in
cheering "Rah, Rah, Rah! Ski-u-mah, Hoo-Rah! Hoo-Rah! Varsity! Varsity!
Varsity, Minn-e-So-Tah!", making Campbell the very first cheerleader and
November 2, 1898 the official birth of organized cheerleading.
Minnesota Gopher and first cheerleader, Johnny Campbell |
There you have it. A tidbit of random knowledge you can store up in your brain. Maybe you can use it as small talk at your next party.
Now on to my actual post--
The title of my daily challenge is "Second-Hand Stories" and the instruction reads:
What's the best story someone else has recently told you (in person,
preferably)? Share it with us, and feel free to embellish -- that's how
good stories become great, after all.
I got totally excited when I read the title, cause all I saw was SECOND HAND.
Most anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE the second-hand stores. Saver's is my department store and where almost everything I wear originates. Is that too much sharing? Now will you all be looking at my wardrobe and thinking "How tacky!" It's okay. I just have to go with what feels right to me and what my pocketbook thinks is acceptable. I used to love to take a day and travel around to different thrift stores and look for treasures, but my pocketbook and my time clock have not been allowing it. Plus, it's not as much fun to do alone. You need a gal pal along for it to be the best. (As long as she doesn't nab the best find before you see it) I also love to hit garage sales, but again I don't like it as much to go alone. Plus I must admit that I don't enjoy getting up early enough to get the best stuff. If I have plans to go with someone, that problem is solved however. If that's the case, I hop right up and get ready to go. Strange I know, but if you've been reading a while and haven't yet figured out that I'm a bit strange, you may be as strange as I am.
I will follow post instructions as well though, and tell you a second-hand story I heard just yesterday about a second-hand find. I was flabbergasted and more than a little envious to learn of a lady who was at the Stampin Up party I did yesterday who purchased a Big Shot die cutting machine at the Goodwill for $3.88!! Unheard of!! I was GREEN with envy! There was something else she got for an unbelievable price, but I have already forgotten what it was. I guess I was just fixated on the Bog Shot thing. Moral of the story--Maybe I need to spend some time visiting more thrift stores, and maybe I should get myself out of bed on Saturday mornings and hit some garage sales when I can. Even if I have to go by myself.
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