Today I am challenged to write about irony---or sarcasm.
This sure made me think of myself.
I must admit that I am often sarcastic. My sense of humor is very sarcastic, but I am just as often sarcastic in serious situations.
I will always remember my daughter Tracy calling me on it. I would be scolding her for one thing or another and she would find it funny. That wouldn't go over well. "You think this is funny?!" She finally told me that she did find it funny. When I said sarcastic things that were funny, she couldn't help but find it funny.
My bad.

sarcasm is most often evident in my humor though and often directed at
myself. Here's a recent for instance. I am taking part in a women's
Bible study and we are really becoming quite intimate with each other.
One of the young ladies there had shared about an older woman in her
life that she lunches with about once a month and about all the wisdom
the woman pours into her life. I ma the oldest one in the study group
and after the things they had heard me share, I had to pipe up
with---"Well, I'm sure all of you are just dying to have a monthly lunch
with me, now that you are aware of just how well adjusted I
am"---Funny, I didn't get any takers. I did get a laugh though. See what
I mean.

One friend of mine always asks permission for the strangest things,
which brings it out in me. For instance we stopped at a fast food
restaurant where I said that I had to go use the restroom and she asked
if it were okay if she went too. I had to announce--
"Absolutely not! This happens to be my own personal bathroom!"
I'm thinking that it often shows up in my writing as well, so all of you have probably noticed it already.
I'm so glad that the people in my life understand that this is just part of my humor. Thank goodness it is almost always directed at myself. It would be easy to insult someone who didn't get it. So-----If I have inadvertently offended any of you out there with my sarcasm, I truly do apologize. I mean that---really. It is NEVER my intention to hurt or offend. It would sadden me to know that I had. I truly find much more ridiculous in my life to make fun of than I will ever find in that of anyone else. A HUGE lifetime of it, and I continue to add to my material daily.
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