The Chicken Coop
My blog also contains my personal posts. Ignore them if you like, but you may get a kick out of them. Maybe my girls will read them one day and get insights into the inner workings of an old woman's brain....Scary Thought!
There is a list of labels on the right side of the blog, so you can click there to go to only the posts that you are interested in. That will allow you to skip the personal posts and any items for sale if you wish. No matter which way you choose, I hope will enjoy my little blog and visit often.
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
New Look
Hello All
Have you noticed that there is finally a name on the top of my blog? Rae helped me and now my blog looks a little more official.
Also got a signature put on the bottom of my emails with a link to take you straight to my blog.
She says I need more pictures so I'll work on that. In truth I haven't been paying enough attention to it this past week and haven't been at my desk enough. I've decided to take up counted cross stitch again and I've been doing a lot of it. Gonna try and get back to my desk and do some work today....tomorrow??? Hmmmm
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Saturday, March 18, 2023
National Quilting Day
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
For a few years I have been hosting two days of crafting on a few weekends each year and I have loved it. Is it a lot of work? Absolutely, but it has been great fun. There's nothing like a weekend full of fun, scrapbooking and card making. This past weekend however I sadly hosted my final one. It was such a difficult decision for me but it was very hard on me physically and really needed to take some things off my schedule so it was something I felt I needed to do.
I have met and been able to enjoy so many lovely ladies and they have brought me so much joy. In 2021 I had an event just days after my 70th birthday. I left the event for a bit to grab a soda or something and when I came back they all burst into song, they were all wearing birthday party hats and of course there was cake. It meant the world to me.
This year all I poked my head out the door beside me for moments and when I turned around to my table there was a beautiful cake and a big bouquet of balloons. I don't know how they managed it but it was so special. I also received a sweet card, a beautiful bouquet of flowers and lots of hugs.
Never fear though. My dear friend Rae decided that we couldn't just stop having them and so she has stepped up to say that she will take it over to do one weekend in the Spring and one in the Fall. I will be able to attend as a participant instead of the host and I will still be able to enjoy all the wonderful women that I have meant so much to me these last few years.
I will still be holding a much smaller Saturday only event at my church on the third Saturday most months and I am still teaching my classes. I just really needed to slow down a bit.
Here's to all of the wonderful ladies who take my classes and spend time crafting with me.
I am truly blessed.
Get Them Crafty
Well All, today has got a bunch of these kinds of holidays. They include National Children’s Craft Day, National Write Down Your Story Day, National Equal Pay Day, National Learn About Butterflies Day, National Potaoe Chip Day and National PI Day. I'm not going to try and cover all of that and Pie has its own special day on January 23rd so we'll just focus on National Children’s Craft Day and save the others for another year.
Each year, National Children’s Craft Day on March 14th unleashes a boost of creative energy right in the middle of National Craft Month. The day celebrates crafting with children. By opening children’s eyes to the world of crafts, we spark their imagination, and from there, the possibilities are endless.
Crafting can give children a sense of accomplishment as well as help build their self-esteem. As with adults, crafting reduces stress in children, too. It doesn’t cost a lot to get a child involved with crafts. You can use everyday household items for projects. Thing like recycled paper towel tubes and yogurt containers make excellent craft items and demonstrate repurposing. Not only is it a fun way for kids to occupy their time, but it helps divert their attention from wasting their awesome childhood watching TV and Mobile Phones.
I love it when the kid's crafting projects have come my way and for many years my refrigerator has been a showplace of projects from my children and grandchildren. So enjoy the day with them. There are lots of videos online for kids crafts if you need some ideas and as crafters we have plenty of supplies we can use with them. Instead of finding free time away from the kids to make a card or scrapbook page. Today, invite them to join you. They'll enjoy it and I'll bet you end up having a great time as well.
Monday, March 13, 2023
Today is National Napping Day
The celebration Napping was created in 1999 by a Boston University professor and his wife to spread awareness of the importance of getting enough sleep and its benefits. The holiday is held on the Monday after Daylight Savings because studies have shown that people are at their most tired and sleep deprived after daylight savingsr changes. The change of the hour really makes a difference. Not only does the observance encourage a nap, it reminds us that there’s no shame in taking one either. A needed rest can make you feel better and also improve your mood. After having the extra amount of sleep, a person will notice that they will be more productive and energetic. Numerous studies have shown that short 10-20 minute naps are the most effective when midday fatigue hits. Improvements in alertness, productivity, and mood have all been shown to improve with this type of snooze.Though the holiday wasn’t created until 1999, the Spanish already had the tradition of taking an afternoon “siesta.” The Ancient Romans were known to take midday naps as well. With the hustle and bustle of modern life midday naps seem more like a thing from the past to most people. But back then naps were seen as a necessity and were sometimes used for medicinal purposes and even religious practices.
There are some of us who are just not the napping kind, but if you're a fan go ahead and reap those benefits. Find a cozy spot for 10 minutes or so and enjoy National Napping Day.
I myself am not a napper. The exception is when I'm sick. Then I'm very likely to sleep away the bulk of the dayHow about you?
Nap or no nap?
Thursday, March 9, 2023
Happy Birthday Barbie
March 9 is National Barbie Day! In 1959, the 11-inch tall Barbie made her debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York. She was designed by Ruth Handler, the co-founder of Mattel Inc., Barbie was created to allow girls to imagine what their lives could be like in the future. She’s had a slew of careers, from a registered nurse to an astronaut. In 1961, overwhelming demand caused Handler to release Ken, a boyfriend for Barbie. (Verdict’s out if he’s ever going to put a ring on it.)
Barbie was inspired by Lilli, a German doll, which had a more adult look than the other dolls on the market. In 1956, while on vacation with her family, Ruth first came across the Lilli doll and noticed how enamored her 15-year-old daughter Barbara was with it. Before the creation of Barbie, most dolls were either babies or childres. Handler’s vision was to create a doll that had a grown female’s anatomy. Over the next couple of years, Handler worked to design a wholesome, American doll. Named after her daughter Barbara, Barbie debuted and crowds of people instantly fell in love with her. Her full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, and she came with a full array of accessories
I myself had one of those original Barbies and eventually one of the original Barbie dream houses. I taught myself how to sew making clothes for her. We had a small porch in my backyard and it was there I played with Barbie and before her paper dolls. One side of the porch had a lattice that was covered in Bougainvillea and I could sit back there for hours playing and singing. I loved it.
How about all of you?
Were you Barbie fans? Inquiring minds want to know.
Monday, March 6, 2023
We love a good cookie and one of America's absolute favorites is the timeless classic: the Oreo, with crisp chocolate cookies and creamy filling, these little cookies have captured our hearts and our stomachs. The Oreo was first introduced in 1912 and it has been the best-selling cookie in America ever since. We love to dunk them, twist them, and straight up take a bite. The cookie is nearly 108 years old, and is enjoyed by cookie lovers of all ages across the globe.
The National Biscuit Company (today known as Nabisco) first developed and produced the “Oreo Biscuit” in 1912 at its Chelsea factory in New York City. Today, the block on which the factory was located is known as “Oreo Way.”
The name “Oreo” was first trademarked on March 14, 1912.
The first Oreo cookies in the United States sold for 25 cents a pound in clear glass topped novelty cans.
Well there you have it. I would so love to sit down and make an Oreo themed card but I am in the middle of a massive house cleaning. If I stop I will not go back. Maybe next year 😕
Oreo is not my most favorite cookie. What I like most are the things people make with them, like using them crumled up as a cream pie crusts. Yummy. There are a multitude of recipes online to be able to create something delicious and multiple ways that people eat them.
So, what is your favorite way to eat an Oreo???
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Let's Read
March 2nd is National Read Across America Day
Each year, this day is celebrated on March 2nd, the birthday of Dr. Seuss.
The annual event is part of Read Across America, an initiative on reading created by the National Education Association. Since the event is designed to encourage reading in children and is fostered through the schools.
This motivational and awareness day calls all children and youth in every community across the United States to celebrate reading. It encourages them to read where ever they are.
Yes, I am aware of the controversy that had come up around Dr Suess, but I stick by him. His books were huge in the lives of my children and were Megan's very favorite. Her most favorite of all was Dr Suess's ABC book. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I read that book to her. Eventually I pretty much new it by heart and just had to speak and turn the pages. "Big A little a, what begins with A? Aunt Annie's alligator A A A!"
When Matilda came along her favorite movie to watch was "Horton Hears a Who" and when she visited my house that movie got played A LOT!
And then there came Landon. Megan had an incredible Dr Suess themed party for his first birthday. She did an incredible job but she always does. Her birthday parties for those kids are epic.
This is the card I made for today. It's not quite finished yet and I'm not thrilled with it but I did it in honor of reading day so I'm posting it. Next time will be better.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Winner! Winner!
I promised a prize for the one who posted the most comments during the month of February. I'm not surprised at all that my winner is Paula. That girl loves to win a prize.....and her prize?
Chicken Dinner!! (Just kidding)😉
It's a surprise! She will be with me in class on Wednesday night and I will present it to her there.
I will be offering ways to win prizes every now and then so keep checking on my blog, leave a comment so I know you were there and YOU could be my next WINNER WINNER! 🥳
Let's Get Crafty!
It's National Crafting Month!
Now here's a celebration we can really get into. I'll be crafting away today. How about you?In March, it’s the end of winter (sometimes!😉)and a great time to blossom with creativity. Crafters get creative with their supplies. Artisans set to work on a design, and different craftspeople put their skills together to bring an idea to life.
The word “crafting” covers a whole lot of territory. There are a broad range of crafts to choose from. Included are paper and wood, fabrics, paint, knitting and crocheting, scrapbooking, leatherworking, wood burning, fly tying, jewelry making, and metal art, virtually anything created by hand. The month is dedicated to creativity and inspiration. Whatever motivates you, get crafty!
Crafters often get together and get their hand’s dirty sticking, sewing, knitting, crocheting, cutting, pasting, coloring, painting and more. We'll be doing just that at the crop on March 11th. I'm so glad that I'll be able to celebrate with some of you. While I spend time crafting just about every day, it's always more fun when I get to do it together with friends
Crafting offers many benefits. Even if you don’t think you are especially artistic, there’s never any harm in giving things a go. Using one’s creativity provides stress relief and can lower blood pressure much like meditation. There’s natural positive reinforcement from learning a new skill. With each new step learned, the satisfaction from gaining the skill rewards you. Most crafts require fine motor skills. Crafts teach young children these skills so if you have kids, get them off their game consoles and the TV and let them get messy with glue, glitter, pipe cleaners, or colored paper and make sure you stick the masterpieces up on the fridge!
The Craft & Hobby Association established National Crafting Month back in 1994 meant to encourage individuals to discover their hidden creativity, to introduce Americans to outlets they hadn’t tried before and for practiced crafters to start on a new project, try a new medium, or learn a skill. Today, crafting is not only a worthwhile, relaxing pursuit for anyone and everyone, but it also has become big business. We at-home crafter benefit because the “trickle-down” theory really works spreading the word about new tricks of the trade, cutting-edge materials, and more.
So if your fingers are itching to be busy, and your heart is yearning to make gift-worthy items that combine art and skill, join me in celebrating National Crafting Month.
P.S. .. I was just checking my emails and discovered that this is also National Quilting Month. The third Saturday of March is National Quilting Day so well discuss quilting fully at that time. See you then! 😘
Peanut Butter
How about some fun peanut butter facts:
- It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter
- C.H. Sumner first sold peanut butter in the United States at the Universal Exposition in St. Louis. He sold $705.11 of the “new treat” at his concession stand.
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup was introduced to America in 1928.
- The oldest operating manufacturer and seller of peanut butter has been selling peanut butter since 1898.
- Mr. Ed TV’s used peanut butter as a secret ingredient to get a horse talking.
- Americans spend almost $800 million a year on peanut butter.
- January 24th is National Peanut Butter Day
- The slang term for peanut butter in World War II was “monkey butter.”
Peanut butter and bananas were fit for a king. The king Elvis Presley enjoyed many a peanut butter and banana sandwich.A monkey visited the lab at Kellogg’s one day and dipped his banana in a jar of peanut butter, and he’s been ape over the combination ever since.
A monkey visited the lab at Kellogg’s one day and dipped his banana in a jar of peanut butter, and he’s been ape over the combination ever since.
Okay, that one wasn't true but did you get a giggle?