I spent most of the day today cleaning, putting things away and beginning a SERIOUS PURGE of my scrapbooking supplies in preparation for Janice's upcoming yard sale. It looks like a tornado struck my house. This picture is of the mess just on my little dining room table.
AND-----As promised, here is the info on the upcoming scrapping yard sale. The sale will be held at Janice's house. Her address is 2320 Queen Anne Court in Reno. There will be a special preview night held on Friday evening October 1st from 5pm till 8pm for only those of you who follow my blog or receive my email notifications. The advertised will be held on Saturday October 2nd from 9am until 3pm. There will plenty of great scrapping bargains available, but we are going to have some special extras.
First we are going to have a Make-N-Take available for only $2.50 to introduce the Cinch to all of you. Janice and I used this machine at Creative Escape and LOVED it. We felt it was much easier to use than the Zutter and it offers features that the Zutter doesn't. The Cinch sells for $99.99, but I will be taking pre-orders at the sale and if you order and prepay for your machine that day you will get your new toy for only $80.
Next, in addition to the yard sale bargains, there will be a boutique area with great gift ideas. I have been making little things all year in preparation for a craft fair I was going to do but the date has turned out to be when I am out of town attending Scrapper's Paradise Camp. Instead of the fair, I'm going to have these things available at the yard sale. All of my handmade greeting cards will be there at bargain prices as well.
Finally, there will be a sneak peek shown at the sale of one of the classes that I will soon be teaching using one of the great ideas I learned at Creative Escape. The first sign ups for the class will be taken at the sale.
If any of you have an over abundance of supplies and would like to sell some of your things, we are opening the sale to you as well. You can bring your treasures and add them to ours for only $10. You can stay and sell or just leave your things with us. All of your items must be clearly marked with the price and your initials to insure that you get credit for your sales. It's probably a good idea to plan on bringing a table along and if you're planning on staying, you should probably bring a chair. If you are interested please contact me directly to reserve a space.
I'm sure there will be more info as we get nearer to the event, but that's it for now.
Hope to see you all there!
Can't wait!!!!!