Break the law? Me? I'm really not much of a rule breaker. There have been a few incidents many years ago while in the company of either my mother, or my friend Carol who is a terrible influence on me (But she sure is fun!) Anyway, even then I've never done anything that would really get me into any serious trouble. Can you just see my halo?
Okay...I'll tell one. A few of us, including me and Carol, were in the car heading home from a church function. We were angry at our friend Marlene. She was always stealing away boyfriends, so we were angry with her a lot. Anyway, I made the mistake of saying "I wish she'd just move away." Well, don't say things like that in Carol's ear shot....Something will happen. And something did. We ended up driving all over town and taking for sale signs from people's yards. A LOT of for sale signs. We had the trunk full and the rest of them were in the backseat with Carol and I. Well wouldn't you know, we get pulled over. Here I sat in the back seat with Carol and the for sales signs. I think I was about to pee my pants as the cop came to the windows with his flashlight. We had our coats and our feet on top of them and thank heaven we didn't get caught. How would we explain an enormous amount of for sale signs? We promised the policeman that we were on our way home and would go straight there, but we did make a stop first. Under cover of darkness, we planted every one of those signs in the front yard of Marlene's house. It was classic. I wish I had a picture. Her family did not get the hint however, and Marlene remained to torture us.
These days the only thing I can say I do that breaks the law is speed while driving, and even then I only go 5 miles over the speed limit. Hey! This old woman CAN NOT afford a speeding ticket! So nowadays I'm a boring old grandma....but you never know what may happen when Carol comes to visit. You are warned!
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