The Chicken Coop

I am a paper crafter. I've been playing with paper, and cutting and pasting for many years now and I still just love it. I teach classes each month and would love to have you.
You can find me at and on Pinterest
or email me at
I'd love to hear from you.
Every now and then I have some cards or little treats available for sale that may be seen here.
My blog also contains my personal posts. Ignore them if you like, but you may get a kick out of them. Maybe my girls will read them one day and get insights into the inner workings of an old woman's brain....Scary Thought!
There is a list of labels on the right side of the blog, so you can click there to go to only the posts that you are interested in. That will allow you to skip the personal posts and any items for sale if you wish. No matter which way you choose, I hope will enjoy my little blog and visit often.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Peter Rabbit

Today I stepped outside to go to the mail box and when I turned around I had a visitor in my yard.
So I watched him munch on grass until someone walked by and frightened him away. 


Quiet, simple pleasures.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


I did a bit of bible journaling this morning and as I flipped through a page from a daily devotional that I had saved flipped out.
The bible verse that day was Philippians 4:23
"I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content "
Then it spoke of a fellow named Boethius who lived in sixth-century Italy.  He was a politician who served in the royal court. Unfortunately, he fell into disfavor and was imprisoned. While there he wrote these words.
"Nothing is miserable but what is thought so, and every state is happy if he that bears it be content."
This spoke to me in my situation.
Yes, I am lonesome and long for contact with my family and friends, but as I sit here at my desk and look out the window at a sunny day and a tree full of spring flowers, how could I not be content.

This is a very pleasant prison I'm in. I have food, work for my busy hands, and I even have toilet paper. 😉💕
So in the midst of this I choose to be thankful. I thank my God for the things I do have and choose not to dwell on the things I don't. I have learned to trust Him so I know that the things I long for will come in His perfect timing.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Thank you Ellen

In case you weren't aware, I have spent many weeks now alone at this house 24-7 and it turns out that I'm very boring company.
Every day though I get at least a chuckle, sometimes an out loud laugh, when I check YouTube. There is always a clip there from the Ellen show, probably because I keep watching them. At first it was ridiculous signs that people sent in, then there were a couple showing what she found while bathing suit shopping. Today as I sat out in the sun on my little porch, a segment came on that I hadn't yet seen. She named it "Clumsy Thumsy"
It was about real life things that happened during text messages and the sometimes unwelcome help from autocorrect. It was either hysterical or I am starved for reasons to laugh cause I set out there by mmyself cracking up laughing. Not quiet little giggles but all out belly laughs. I'm sure all of these young people living around me must think I'm even crazier old woman than I actually am.
Maybe I'd better watch Ellen's YouTube segments in the house going forward. Then only the sweet kids living on the other side of my living room wall will hear me. I'm sure they're used to it by now since they have to listen to me get tickled by a funny television show.

Oh well. I'm old and lonesome  That's a good excuse right?
What can I say? I need laughter.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Cat Lady

 Although I am absolutely an old woman I have always felt young inside. Today as I was watering my plants and puttering around the house I realized that this quarantine has succeeded in changing that.  I am now just a little old woman puttering around the house lonely and forgotten.......sigh.

I've taken to spending the day in a housedress with no bra, I'm letting my hair grow out (no more highlights), and I haven't  curled my hair or put on makeup in SEVERAL weeks. When this is over I may need to cut this hair off and get a granny perm.

I now completely understand how old ladies end up with a house full of cats.
I'm thinking maybe I should make myself a lap robe or a doily...another sigh.

Now I can't see to thread my needle.
I need new spectacles.
Is it chilly in here??

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Quarantine Birthday

Well all, today is my 69th birthday. Quarantined alone, especially after having been doing for weeks, is not the greatest way to celebrate a birthday but friends found ways to make it special for me. The icing on the (birthday) cake though was when the kids pulled up outside to bring me a promised hamburger and this is what I walked out to.

 How sweet was this!
It warmed my heart and broke it all at the same time. It's killing me to be separated from them.
I miss my friends. I miss my family.  But most of all I miss my babies!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Beam Me Up Scotty!

As many of you know, I've been making cards...lots and lots of cards. Cards to sell, cards for upcoming classes, cards just because I want to, birthday cards, thinking of you cards, cards, cards, cards. Pretty soon I may resort to "someone save me from this house cards ."
 I've made Father's Day cards for both of my brothers who have never received a Father's Day card from me in their entire lives and today I finished up space age birthday cards for both of my grandsons. One birthday which is in August and the other in September. Matilda's next I guess. She's also in September.
Anyway, I thought these space cards turned out pretty cute and wanted to share them. We'll be making something similar in June card club. (It must wait until then cause I'm already finished with May's class...Good Grief!)
Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think. I'd love to know you're out there somewhere.

Beaming to another planet doesn't sound half bad to me right now.🤪

Creativity versus Germs Battle

I was doing a bit of blog surfing today and came across a hop entitled
"Spread Joy not Germs"
Isn't that the cutest thing ladies?
That's what we do with our cards. It brings us such joy to make them (For me it's been the salvation of my sanity) but then it spreads further joy when we send them out. Especially during this time.
It's so important to keep in contact with those in our lives right now. We have become so isolated and it would mean a lot to anyone to receive a card in the mail. Especially a hand made one. It's an awesome way to bring a smile to someone who may otherwise have not had such a smiley day. I encourage you all to send out a few.
Use your creativity and spread joy instead of germs.

Creativity Goes On

I'm watching TV and just caught these words on the screen.
"Creativity Goes On"
It was on an Apple computer commercial, but it would apply to those of us who are getting extra craft time in these days.
It's true....I mean, what would the world does without us?!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Snail Mail

On this day in 1900 the post office issued its first book of stamps.
I think that a perfect way for crafty ladies to celebrate is to use one of today's stamps to send a card out to someone. This is such a challenging time for so many of us and a handmade card showing up in a mailbox is sure to brighten anyone's day.

By the way, I sent out a other of my oh so fabulous videos today offering another kit for you to play with. So hop on over, take a look, and add a complement to enter for a prize.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

One Ringy Dingy

Bit of info....

Today in 1877 the first telephone was installed in 1877.
In those days (my old days) we were tethered to a wall to reach each other on the phone. Our numbers had a word in front of them like Walnut or Topaz, two of mine at the time. There were operators and party lines. Sometimes you'd pick up the phone and someone was already on it and you'd have to waIt until they were finished to make your call.
What in the world would we do without them today. They are a huge part of our lives, we depend on them and are rarely without them right at hand . They are our telephones, our calendars and planners, our computers and so much more. 
During this time of isolation my phone is my link to the outside world.  I need to get messages out  and sometimes I just need to hear and converse with a friendly voice. As I matter of fact, I'm writing this post on mine right now. 
Be safe everyone and grab that phone of yours and let someone out there know you're thinking about them. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Sunday everyone.
This is going to be a strange one for all of us. No Easter egg hunts, no Easter dinner with family or friends, no Easter pot luck picnics,  and no getting dressed up in your Easter finest to attend church services. Some of you will still be able to enjoy some of these things with your family and I envy you, but it will mean a different kind of Easter for all of us in some way.
We've finally enjoyed a couple of beautiful sunny days here and just that is helpful in lightening our mood and our outlook. I plan on taking a project outside for a bit this afternoon and enjoying it. I find I'm feeling thankful for just turning off the doggone heater and opening the door to invite in some beautiful fresh air. I may also get out some bright and cheery papers and embellishments and make some cards and maybe do a couple of scrapbook layouts with pictures of my grandbabies on past Easters.
I hope you all find a way to make the best of things in some way and enjoy the day.

God bless and keep you,

Happy Easter!

Saw this photo and had to share it.
The perfect Easter eggs for this crazy year.
Happy Easter!!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

OUCH!! My ears!

 I was chatting with a dear friend in Washington yesterday and she told me about these things she is making. They are "ear protecters"
Apparently the elastic that holds the masks on is ending up hurting ther ears of those who are wearing them, especially if they have to wear them for long periods of time. These go behind the head and the elastic on the masks hooks on to the buttons. I don't personally know anyone who is wearing masks but I am around almost no one these days. So I made a few and thought maybe someone out there might be interested. 
You can buy mine for $2.50 each or maybe this will give you an idea of how to make one of your own.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Create Away!

This was posted on one of the blogs I follow and it mirrored my feelings during this time so well that I wanted to share it with you. 
Let's get crafty!!

Calling all cardmakers! It is time to use our super power to make others smile! The world is so chaotic right now. So uneasy. There are people scared and lonely. There are people who are having to work when they wish they could be home with family. There are people who are worried about paying the bills. There are extroverts longing to get out and be social. And introverts struggling to get alone time to recharge with everyone home. Everyone has a struggle here. However! We are cardmakers. And our super power is that we can make cards to lift someone’s spirits - anyone’s spirits! We can do this! And another good reason for us to makes cards? Crafting is therapeutic. And something you can do with loved ones at home. 
I am hoping you will all join me in making cards to give to folks who could use a smile. My family had a crafting hour earlier today. (Swipe to see photos.) We did lots of die cutting for lots of cards. Tomorrow we will assemble them. These cards will go to nurses (who are in the thick of this), grocery store employees (such madness!), and teachers (who are trying to figure out how to teach online and much more). If you don’t have time to make a bunch, just make one! But please join me. Send a card add some goodness to the world! We can do this!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Quarantine Survival

Today I have another giggle to share.
Saw this post on one of the blogs I follow.
I got a smile and thought you might too.
Let's keep a smile on our faces and paper, scissors and adhesive in our hands.

Monday, April 6, 2020


I'm popping on this morning to give you all a giggle.
As I'm checking in online each morning one of the things that pops up for me almost daily on YouTube are segments on the Ellen Show where she shows pictures that people send in to her that "just aren't right"
Nearly every day I'm left giggling aloud here by myself so I thought I'd share one with you today.
Usually they are photos that have been snapped and have accidentally caught something,  but then there are the ones like the one I saw this morning sent in by a lady visiting the produce department of her grocery store.
Ellen then showed this similarity one that they had received a few years ago.
Really people. 
Sometimes I worry about the human race.
Then of course. they are often made more funny by Ellen's reaction to them. Steve Harvey is like that too. He can make me laugh just by the look on his face. 
So if you need something to make you smile, you should look at one of these clips every now and then. 

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Grab Bag Kits

Well all, I came up with an idea I'm going to try. I've been putting together some grab bag kits. This picture is of just a few that I  have finished.

In the process I eem to have created a monster. I was digging around to find some goodies to add to the kits and it has turned into one of my "purges"
Those of you who know me know what that looks like.
This home where I am barricaded alone has become a bit of a factory where I prep for classes, play with ideas, dig out things to use or sell, and film videos. Also where I am playing with new products, new ideas and new techniques. I'm even cooking! (Again, those of you who know me will know how unusual that is)
Mostly though, I'm making a mess.

I have opened up a store in my Square account in order for my class gals to order and pay for their kits during this crazy time and I am going to begin listing my kits there so be sure and take a look.
As I list them I will put links here on my blog.

Some of you knew that I'm  offering a cute box filled with goodies and how to enter. If you're unaware, here's a hint.
I LOVE for people to check out my blog but I don't know who they are if they don't leave a comment. (Hint hint)
I'm also filming videos in order to teach my classes during this time and I LOVE getting subscribers to my channel.

This is keeping me busy during this time of isolation but I'm some of this stuff is very new to me so I thank you in advance for your patience as I muddle through  I'll get better, I promise