Okay girls---Having labeled my crazy friend Tracey a "Red Neck," I must now officially label myself a complete and total "Country Bumpkin." Luxury Tonna! You can't be trusted with luxury!
I brought bubble bath along on my trip to enjoy. I can't take a bath at home--I only have a shower, so this was to be a treat. She had told me that it was a jacuzzi tub, so even better. Well, last night while Tracey was gone to reunion night one, I ran my tub and added my bubbles but could not for the life of me figure out how to turn on the jacuzzi. Oh well, still very relaxing and enjoyable. Afterward I discovered the controls to turn on the jacuzzi outside the bathroom door. So----tonight I plan to get the whole experience right? Well--I begin running the water for my bath and add my bubbles. It didn't seem to be making very many bubbles, so I added another few healthy squirts to make sure I would have bubbles for my experience. Then I turn on the jacuzzi and climb in the tub. Well girls, just in case you are as uninformed as I am----when you put bubbles in a jacuzzi, you get LOTS OF BUBBLES! I saw the bubbles begin to explode, but the operating switch is outside the bathroom door, so I just lean back close my eyes and decide to relax and enjoy it. Girls, by the time I sat up in that tub, the bubbles LITERALLY came up to my chin! I wish Tracey had been here to take a picture. I could easily have ducked and hidden myself completely, head and all. I emerged from the tub looking remarkably like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man and took these photos to tell on myself. I started cracking up here in the room all by myself when I realized that when Tracey comes back later tonight and I am sound asleep, she will go into the bathroom and I guarantee there will STILL be a tub full of bubbles to greet her. I just may be awakened by some loud laughter. They may just have to close this room down for repairs when we leave while they try and de-bubble the place. Oh my---Oh my....
Oh and one more thing---You may soon be seeing some scurrilous posts to my blog from Tracey and her girlfriend DJ. Don't believe a word of it. NONE! They lie---It's a conspiracy!
I am cracking up, Tonna! Glad you had a good weekend!
ReplyDeleteIf I were to would ALL be the truth!!! LMAO If any of it is a lie, you can pluck them out one at a time for FREE!!!!! I'm so glad we got to finally meet, I had a great time.