When dinner was over they went on to draw the names for the prizes they had to give away. They said that they had more prizes donated this year that at any year before. The whole front of the stage was covered with them! The last one to be drawn was for a big rubber storage box filled with Bazzill paper and then they did the drawing for the grand prize which was a trip for two on a scrapbook cruise in November. Lots of stuff was given away, but I'm sorry to say that neither of us won. I can't complain too much though because we did receive many wonderful presents. I have included a picture I took of just some of them.
To close the event there was a keynote speaker. Her name was Jaimee Rose and she is a journalist and I will confess that I thought she was a strange choice to speak to us. How wrong I was! Her presentation was fabulous! It was funny, informative, and finally moving. By the time she was finished, the entire room was in tears.
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