Those of you who have followed my blog for a long time may remember how much I loved The Bonnie Hunt Show. In my own head I adopted everyone involved with the show as my family. I taped all of the shows and loved watching them, especially when I needed a chuckle or a smile. When it was announced that the show had been canceled, it was a blow, and when it came to an end I thought I would never find anything to fill the empty spot it left.
Well, it took a while, but I finally have found something to take its place. I began watching "The Talk" from its very start, and the more I watch it, the more I like it. They just have so much fun! I have now adopted all of them and in my fantasy mind, they are all great girlfriends of mine. I'm just sure I will get a call soon asking me to come and hang out with them. I absolutely adore Leah Remini and in my fantasy world we are best buds. I also love Sharon Osbourne and want to be a little saucy like she is. The interaction between them never fails to bring back the grins and giggles the Bonnie's crew used to provide for me. Never fear though Bonnie, I still love you too.